Timothy D. Freeman is the Executive Director, of the North Carolina State Approving Agency,
where he ensures adequate and appropriate planning, administration, management, public
relations, direction, and supervision of a statewide program to educate entitled veterans, military
participants, and other eligible persons. He manages and administers the contract with the U. S.
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA); oversees the monthly and annual reports and fiscal
records and develops and executes the Annual Business Plan; and administers the budget
assigned by the contract.
Ensures compliance with federal laws and regulations in coordination with existing State
education statutes, rules, regulations, standards, policies, and practices. Has final authority for
initial approvals and re-approvals of educational programs offered by N.C. educational
institutions so that entitled individuals may receive assistance with DVA education benefits. He
also serves on the National Association of State Approving Agencies, Inc. as a member of the
Contract/Cooperative Agreement Committee representing the South Region.
Tim was the Director of the Veterans & Military Services Center for Elizabeth City State
University, as Director of the Veterans and Military Services Center, Tim was responsible for
managing the recruitment and admission process for veterans, guardsmen, reservists, and their
dependents and assisting them in utilizing their educational benefit to complete a program of
study; oversee the recruitment at military bases and community colleges to communicate
information to local veterans and the military community; manage all aspects of applications for
benefits including certifying attendance and appropriateness of courses toward a degree and
assessing prior training and educational credits.
Advised the University on developing or improving programming, policies, and procedures that
support veterans, guardsmen, reservists, and their dependents in their pursuit of a program of
study; conduct outreach in the community and on campus, including presentations and
workshops about programs and services for veterans, guardsman, reservists, and their
dependents. Tim also served on the board of Director for the National Association of Veterans
Program Administrators and the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs
Previously, Tim worked as Tidewater Regional Manager, for the Virginia Department of
Veterans Services State Approving Agency, in Richmond VA. As Regional Manager, He was
responsible for the review, evaluation, and approval of educational programs for the enrollment
of veterans and other eligible persons seeking education and training benefits from the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) under the Montgomery and Post 9/11 GI Bills
He formerly serves as Chairman of the Legislation Committee for the National Association of
State Approving Agency. He has also held the positions of Vice-President, Chair of the
Legislation Committee, and Liaison to the Department of Defense for the National Association
of Veterans Program Administrators. Timothy has also served on the board of Virginia
Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Southern Association of Student Financial
Administrators, and as President of Virginia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
and The College Support Staff Association while working at Thomas Nelson Community
Tim received a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Saint Leo University and a
Master of Theology from Saint Leo University.